Thanks to friends in the art world, I developed the website for her short-lived art gallery. She and her staff were happy with the usability and execution.
Shortly after that, I got a call from her saying, “I think I need a blog, but first, can explain to me what one is.”
This wasn’t too long after the local “scandal” that she had almost 100 cars permitted to park in her neighborhood (which wasn’t actually true, but sure made for a great story), and she was being portrayed as a stuffy, evil, rich person who was out of touch with reality. And, since she very rarely talks to the press (which is more than she’d like), that image of her stuck. We developed a blog that would let her be herself, directly available to the public. To that end, it is deliberately not fancy and definitely doesn’t look like one of her book covers.
CAVEAT: I haven’t been involved with this site in several years, and it appears to have been modified here and there and, well, it’s not looking great. In a way, that’s even more fitting – not because it looks bad, but because as a person she is unpretentious and not slick.